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Smart, small, and flexible, the B12LA Right Angle Torque Tool is a battery-powered tool for threaded fastening assembly and is ideal for angled joints. Featuring a tiny angle head and cordless operation, the B12LA works well in for hard-to-reach, enclosed, and overhead applications. It is also used for interior assembly and installations, electronic assembly benches, and repair and rework stations.
Tout l'équipement de ce kit est alimenté en 220V
Le kit comprend :
1 pont 2 colonnes 3,5T à déverrouillage manuel Ref : P235MS
1 Démonte pneus semi automatique 11-26'' Ref : LC890S
1 Équilibreuse semi- automatique Ref : CB916B
1 Presse hydraulique 20 tonnes Ref : TY2002
1 Compresseur 200L - 10bar Ref : CLC203NTP-MA
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